Ready To Beat Burnout?

Burnout is so pervasive in our lives, but it doesn't have to be. If you know how to work on your own personal foundation, dealing with the stress of the world becomes simple.


The average human in Western society makes more than 70,000 decisions each day.


Millennials report significantly greater rates of burnout than both GenZ and Baby Boomers.


40% of workers believe that experiencing burnout is an integral component of achieving success.


Burnout Assessments

Through a series of three assessments, you'll come away with a clear picture of who and what is causing your burnout. From here, you can start working on the areas that matter most.

Identifying Your Core Needs

The root cause of burnout is not meeting your core needs first. The bigger issue is that some people NEVER identify their core needs! This framework helps you determine what you need to feel balanced before putting together a plan to fix it.

An Action Plan That Works

By using proven CBT tools, the 30-day plan helps you to build new emotional patterns and beneficial behaviors while helping you rid yourself of old habits that lead to burnout. You will take time to visualize a future version of yourself and at the end of the plan, that version of you will be your reality.

What readers have to say

about The 30-Day Burnout Fix...

It felt like this book was speaking directly to me, understanding the struggles I've faced with exhaustion and overwhelm. The book's mix of research and proven strategies made it clear that this was more than just another quick fix solution. Each chapter provided practical exercises and daily practices that I could implement immediately. It wasn't overwhelming; instead, it felt like a gentle hand guiding me towards positive change.


This opened my eyes and changed me forever! And I'm so glad I did it. The author's unique mix of personal experiences, solid study, and tried-and-true methods gave me the tools I needed to face burnout head-on and beat it. This book is a beacon of hope that gave me the tools they need to take back control of their lives and say goodbye to stress for good.

- Ashley Goodwin

I was beginning to suspect that I was on the road to burnout with a job I once loved. I am so happy that I found this book before my problem got out of hand. I found myself fitting in to the description of most of the root causes outlined in the book. I now understand the impact these issues would have if I didn't take action. Prioritizing my life/work balance has really helped, along with the other proven techniques contained here.

- Donna R.

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